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Uvularia grandiflora
AGM. 30-45cm. In late spring nodding yellow flowers are produced at the top of leafy stems. Tough N.American woodlander that gradually forms tight clumps of fleshy roots, the richer the soil, the more impressive the clump

Verbascum Clemantine
Slender spikes are studded with gorgeous pale tangerine flowers with a contrasting central cluster of plum coloured stamens.
Does best in full sun on a poorish, well drained soil
Does best in full sun on a poorish, well drained soil

Verbascum Cotswold Queen
Flower spikes upto 1.2 metres appear as early as May and are heavily studded with golden yellow flowers with prominently contrasting purple stamens. Makes a fab companion with Iris Rajah which is an exact colour match and enjoys the same sunny border on well drained soil.
Deadhead to prolong flowering
Deadhead to prolong flowering

Verbascum Gainsborough
AGM. Low rosettes of grey green felted leaves give rise to slender spires studded with soft primrose yellow flowers June-July up to 1.5 metres.
Does best in full sun on well drained, poorish soils. Drought tolerant once established
Does best in full sun on well drained, poorish soils. Drought tolerant once established

Verbascum Southern Charm
60cm - 1.1 metre. A seed strain which gives rise to subtle very nice colour variations in the flowers. Impossible to determine exact colour unless flowers are open but all shades of cream,pale pink, pale lavender and buff with contrasting darker stamens are highly desirable.
Likes a sunny position on well drained soil
Likes a sunny position on well drained soil

Verbena bonariensis
Tall, anywhere between 1-2 metres, airy branching plants are topped by rounded clusters of purple flowers from mid summer until autumn frosts.
From Argentina, this plant is perfectly hardy on well drained soils where it will freely self seed but dislikes heavy clay and winter wet. Cut back hard in spring rather than autumn so that previous seasons growth gives some protection to the crown through winter. Loved by both bees and butterflies
Full sun on well drained soil and drought tolerant
From Argentina, this plant is perfectly hardy on well drained soils where it will freely self seed but dislikes heavy clay and winter wet. Cut back hard in spring rather than autumn so that previous seasons growth gives some protection to the crown through winter. Loved by both bees and butterflies
Full sun on well drained soil and drought tolerant

Verbena hastata
Easy, attractive, free flowering perennial from N.America. Upright clumps around 1m are topped by lots of short, dense flowering spikes that start in mid summer and carry on flowering until autumn frosts.
Likes a sunny spot on a well drained soil and the bees love it!
Likes a sunny spot on a well drained soil and the bees love it!

Verbena hastata Rosea
Upright clumps to around 80-90 cm clothed in lance shaped, toothy edged foliage and topped by clusters of short spikes with purple reddish stems and buds that open to contrasting paler pink flowers from July to early autumn.
Likes full sun on a well drained soil where it will self seed gently. God for bees
Likes full sun on a well drained soil where it will self seed gently. God for bees

Verbena officinalis Bampton
Recently discovered form that makes a mass of thin purple black slightly arching stems with smallish lance shaped leaves with the same purple stain, the more sun, the deeper the colour. Stems terminate in small clusters of bright purple flowers that start in July and go on until frosts. This has to be the most commented on plant when we opened the garden in August!
Does best in full sun on well drained soil
Does best in full sun on well drained soil

Verbena rigida
Low grower for front of a sunny border (35-40 cm) where it has a slightly meandering but non thuggish habit. Flowers first appear in mid summer and carry on until frosts. Dislikes winter wet so well drained soil essential for long life. Cut back in spring as new growth starts to push through. Drought tolerant once establish and good pollinator plant

Vernonia arkansa Mammuth
Back of border clump former growing somewhere between 1.5 - 2.4 metres depending on how good soil is and how much moisture is avalable. Strong, upright stems are topped by clusters of vivid purple daisies in late summer/early autumn and are followed by fluffy white seed heads.
A north Americam prairie plant that associates well with grasses in any open sunny border on any reasonable soil
A north Americam prairie plant that associates well with grasses in any open sunny border on any reasonable soil

Veronica austriaca Royal Blue
Slightly sprawling mounds of stems with small deep green foliage terminating in deep blue flower spikes in early summer. Likes sun on well drained soil and tolerates drought well, once established. Great bee plant

Veronica gentianoides
Low, fresh green leaves form carpets of ground cover throwing up slender stems to 35cm that open to palest blue flowers that start at the bottom of the spike and work their way to the top in late spring - early summer.
Likes sun or light shade on any reasonable soil that doesn't dry right out
Likes sun or light shade on any reasonable soil that doesn't dry right out

Veronica Purpleiceous
A clump-forming perennial to around 65cm high, with oval to lance-shaped, serrated dark green leaves. Dense spikes of small, star-shaped violet flowers are produced from summer through to early autumn
Grow in sun or part shade on any reasonable soil
Grow in sun or part shade on any reasonable soil

Veronica umbrosa Georgia Blue
A vigorous semi-evergreen perennial forming a mat of rooting stems bearing small, lance-shaped leaves and loose racemes of deep blue flowers 12mm across, over a long period in spring and summer.
Grow in full sun on well drained soil
Grow in full sun on well drained soil

Veronicastrum virgatum Album
Sturdy, upright clumps to 1.5 metres with leaves arranged in clusters of 3-6 at intervals up the stems. A single erect flower stem of white flowers is followed by secondary spikes that prolong the display.
Associates really well with grasses in prairie style plantings or in a mixed border and has attractive seedheads if left to stand through the winter - just cut back old growth in spring.
Likes open sunny position on a retentive, well drained soil
Associates really well with grasses in prairie style plantings or in a mixed border and has attractive seedheads if left to stand through the winter - just cut back old growth in spring.
Likes open sunny position on a retentive, well drained soil

Veronicastrum virgatum Lavandelturn
Sturdy, upright clumps to 1.5 metres with leaves arranged in clusters of 3-6 at intervals up the stems. A single erect flower stem of pale lavender flowers is followed by secondary spikes that prolong the display.
Associates really well with grasses in prairie style plantings or in a mixed border and has attractive seedheads if left to stand through the winter - just cut back old growth in spring.
Likes open sunny position on a retentive, well drained soil
Associates really well with grasses in prairie style plantings or in a mixed border and has attractive seedheads if left to stand through the winter - just cut back old growth in spring.
Likes open sunny position on a retentive, well drained soil

Veronicastrum virgatum Pink Glow
Sturdy, upright clumps to 1.5 metres with leaves arranged in clusters of 3-6 at intervals up the stems. A single erect flower stem of palest pink flowers is followed by secondary spikes that prolong the display.
Associates really well with grasses in prairie style plantings or in a mixed border and has attractive seedheads if left to stand through the winter - just cut back old growth in spring.
Likes open sunny position on a retentive, well drained soil
Associates really well with grasses in prairie style plantings or in a mixed border and has attractive seedheads if left to stand through the winter - just cut back old growth in spring.
Likes open sunny position on a retentive, well drained soil

Vinca difformis
Vigorous, prostrate evergreen sub-shrub with rooting stems bearing ovate, evergreen leaves, and short upright leafy stems with pale whitish-blue flowers 4cm across, in late winter and early spring and, often, in autumn too

Vinca minor Illuminator
Excellent ground cover even in dry shade where other plants fail. Small dark green oval leaves have nice two tone variegation of lime green and gold on red tinted stems and violet blue flowers in spring.
Also makes a good trailing plant in pots and baskets
Also makes a good trailing plant in pots and baskets

Vinca minor
A mat-forming evergreen shrub with trailing, rooting shoots and opposite pairs of glossy, dark green leaves. From mid-spring to late summer it produces violet-blue flowers to 3cm across.
Excellent ground cover in dry shade once established
Excellent ground cover in dry shade once established

Vinca minor Atropurpurea
A wide-spreading evergreen perennial about 10cm in height, with ovate, dark green leaves and deep reddish-purple flowers 2.5cm in width throughout spring

Vinca minor Gertrude Jekyll
An evergreen perennial to 10cm in height, forming a compact mat of small, dark green ovate leaves, with abundant, pure white flowers 2-2.5cm in width.
Makes excellent ground cover on dry shade once established
Makes excellent ground cover on dry shade once established

Viola corsica
One of my favourites based on it's ability to keep producing deep violet blue flowers from March right through to October, as long as it gets deadheaded once in a while and reliably perennial too.
Does best on well drained soil in sun
Does best on well drained soil in sun

Viola sororia Freckles
Compact tight clumps of semi evergreen leaves are almost obscured from view in spring by white flowers that appear to be liberally splashed with purple paint.
Enjoys life in sun or light shade on a well drained soil and will self seed where happy
Enjoys life in sun or light shade on a well drained soil and will self seed where happy
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