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Kniphofia Tawny King
Bold clumps with flower heads up tp 1.2 metres. Flowers open a soft warm orange and fade down to creamy yellow at base as they age. Large clumps of basallinear foliage. A very free flowering form but if, after a few years, flowering slows down then lift and divide clump to maintain vigour.
Likes full sun on a well drained soil that doesn't bake dry
Likes full sun on a well drained soil that doesn't bake dry

Kniphofia Percy's Pride
Bold, leafy clumps produce cool greenish-yellow flower spikes up to 1.2 metres from Jun-Oct. Fertile, deep soil that draines well in winter but doesn't bake dry in summer months

Kirengishoma palmata
Bushy, clump former to 1.2 metres for a shady border or woodland garden, providing useful late season interest. Pale yellow bell shaped flowers are produced in terminal clusters late summer to autumn.
Does best on moist, humous rich soil
Does best on moist, humous rich soil

Kalimeris incisa Charlotte
Clump-forming perennial to about 60cm tall producing a mound of dark green foliage topped with pale purple daisies with gold centres, produced over a long period from mid-summer to mid-autumn.
Grow in sun or part shade on any reasonable soil
Grow in sun or part shade on any reasonable soil
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