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Ipheion Alberto Castillo
Bulbous perennial to 20cm tall, with narrow light green leaves and white flowers 4cm wide, each petal with a faint green central stripe, flowering in late winter and spring.
Grow in sun on well drained soil
Grow in sun on well drained soil

Iris Actress
Pale lavender blue falls and standards, slightly ruffled and contrasting orange beard.
Bearded Iris must be planted with their rhizomes bared to the sun on the surface of the soil. Think of the rhizome as a solar panel - the more sun it gets the better the flowering. They prefer a well drained soil and benefit from lifting and dividing every third or fourth year. Tolerates drought conditions
Bearded Iris must be planted with their rhizomes bared to the sun on the surface of the soil. Think of the rhizome as a solar panel - the more sun it gets the better the flowering. They prefer a well drained soil and benefit from lifting and dividing every third or fourth year. Tolerates drought conditions

Iris Beverley Sills
A vigorous and free flowering form with a large ruffled pale coral pink standards and falls with a dark orange beard.
Bearded Iris must be planted with their rhizomes bared to the sun on the surface of the soil. Think of the rhizome as a solar panel - the more sun it gets the better the flowering. They prefer a well drained soil and benefit from lifting and dividing every third or fourth year. Tolerates drought conditions
Bearded Iris must be planted with their rhizomes bared to the sun on the surface of the soil. Think of the rhizome as a solar panel - the more sun it gets the better the flowering. They prefer a well drained soil and benefit from lifting and dividing every third or fourth year. Tolerates drought conditions

Iris bucharica
Spring flowering bulbous Iris that enjoys an open sunny spot on well drained soil. Glossy, bright green foliage with buds opening from leaf axils. Each flower has upright, outward reaching white standards and egg yolk yellow falls. Self seeds where happy.

Iris Carnival Time
Rusty amber ruffled standards and slightly ruffled amber falls with a purple flush and veins, amber gold beard.
Bearded Iris must be planted with their rhizomes bared to the sun on the surface of the soil. Think of the rhizome as a solar panel - the more sun it gets the better the flowering. They prefer a well drained soil and benefit from lifting and dividing every third or fourth year. Tolerates drought conditions
Bearded Iris must be planted with their rhizomes bared to the sun on the surface of the soil. Think of the rhizome as a solar panel - the more sun it gets the better the flowering. They prefer a well drained soil and benefit from lifting and dividing every third or fourth year. Tolerates drought conditions

Iris ensata Rose Queen
Clump-forming herbaceous perennial to 1m with narrow, green, drooping foliage and small, pale lilac-pink flowers, the falls deep mauve towards the base.
Grow in open, sunny position on retentive soil
Grow in open, sunny position on retentive soil

Iris Kent Pride
Richly coloured, fragrant blooms with reddish brown standards and falls with red brown edges and a pale yellow bib with darker veining and a bright gold beard. Leafy bases distinctly stained purple.
Bearded Iris must be planted with their rhizomes bared to the sun on the surface of the soil. Think of the rhizome as a solar panel - the more sun it gets the better the flowering. They prefer a well drained soil and benefit from lifting and dividing every third or fourth year
Bearded Iris must be planted with their rhizomes bared to the sun on the surface of the soil. Think of the rhizome as a solar panel - the more sun it gets the better the flowering. They prefer a well drained soil and benefit from lifting and dividing every third or fourth year

Iris Rajah
Free flowering variety with yellow standards, maroon falls with a paler edge to them and a warm fruity fragrance.
Bearded Iris must be planted with their rhizomes bared to the sun on the surface of the soil. Think of the rhizome as a solar panel - the more sun it gets the better the flowering. They prefer a well drained soil and benefit from lifting and dividing every third or fourth year. Tolerates drought conditions
Bearded Iris must be planted with their rhizomes bared to the sun on the surface of the soil. Think of the rhizome as a solar panel - the more sun it gets the better the flowering. They prefer a well drained soil and benefit from lifting and dividing every third or fourth year. Tolerates drought conditions

Iris robusta Dark Aura
One of my favourite Irises, with nice flowers but gorgeous to die for foliage! Spring foliage in particular is stained a deep violet blue. Blooms on stems up to 90cm are violet blue with upright standards and fall with yellow and white flush veined dark blue.
This particular Iris enjoys moisture and is perfectly happy in any position from pond edges to good retentive soil in a sunny border
This particular Iris enjoys moisture and is perfectly happy in any position from pond edges to good retentive soil in a sunny border

Iris sibirica Charttreuse Bounty
A rhizomatous, clump-forming, herbaceous perennial with upright, grey-green leaves and erect stems, growing to 90cm tall, bearing elegant blooms that have graceful, green veined, white fading to pale yellow upper petals, known as standards, and pale chartreuse yellow lower petals, known as falls, that deepen to a rich yellow in the throat. Grow in sun or part shade on retentive soil

Iris sibirica Flight of Butterflies
Rich blue flowers are freely produced throughout May/June at the top of stems to 75cms tall. Falls are nicely marker with yellow bleeding into white overlayed with network of blue veining.
Enjoys an open, sunny site on a deep, retenive soil. Attractive seed heads are worth leaving on in my opinoin, removal will not result in more flower, anyway.
Enjoys an open, sunny site on a deep, retenive soil. Attractive seed heads are worth leaving on in my opinoin, removal will not result in more flower, anyway.

Iris sibirica Painted Woman
Open, rounded flowers are a delightful mix of pearly blue, dusky lilac and gold with contrasting dark veins on top of 70cm stems rising from clumps of deep green linear leaves. Grow in sun on deep, retentive soil

Iris sibirica Paprikash
Beautiful open, upward facing flowers in shades of copper, peach, pink and gold May-June on 50cm stems above deep green linear clumps of foliage.
Likes sun on rich, retentive soil
Likes sun on rich, retentive soil

Iris sibirica Sparkling Rose
85cm. Vigorous, free flowering form of Iris Sibirica that enjoys a sunny border on a deep, retentive soil. Flowers early-midsummer.

Iris Stepping Out
Stout, well branched stems topped with large, ruffled flowers: both standards and falls pure white with a broad violet blue edge. Heavily scented.
Bearded Iris must be planted with their rhizomes bared to the sun on the surface of the soil. Think of the rhizome as a solar panel - the more sun it gets the better the flowering. They prefer a well drained soil and benefit from lifting and dividing every third or fourth year. Tolerates drought conditions
Bearded Iris must be planted with their rhizomes bared to the sun on the surface of the soil. Think of the rhizome as a solar panel - the more sun it gets the better the flowering. They prefer a well drained soil and benefit from lifting and dividing every third or fourth year. Tolerates drought conditions
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