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Oenothera fruiticosa Erica Robin
A vigorous, upright, bushy herbaceous perennial to around 60cm high, with toothed foliage which turns from pale orange in spring to green then finally to red in autumn. Red buds open to bright yellow flowers in the summer.
Grow in full sun on well drained soil
Grow in full sun on well drained soil

Oenothera lindheimeri Cool Breeze
Arching herbaceous perennial to about 80cm, producing loose sprays of delicate white flowers over a long period from early summer to mid-autumn.
Grow in full sun on well drained soil, will cope with dry conditions
Grow in full sun on well drained soil, will cope with dry conditions

Oenothera lindheimeri Rosy Jane
Nice cultivar with white flowers that are flushed pink from the edges, held on graceful long stems. Green foliage is mottled purple and the flower buds are dark pink in bud.
Grow in full sun n well drained soil.
Grow in full sun n well drained soil.

Oenothera lindheimeri Summer Breeze
Arching herbaceous perennial to about 120cm, producing loose sprays of delicate white from pink tinted buds flowers over a long period from early summer to mid-autumn.
Grow in full sun on well drained soil, will cope with dry conditions
Grow in full sun on well drained soil, will cope with dry conditions

Oenothera odorata Sulphureum
Clump-forming perennial to about 75cm with narrow, bronzy-green leaves and reddish stems. Large, scented, lemon-yellow flowers open from red buds and mature to peach, from early summer to mid autumn.
Grow in full sun on well drained soil. Short lived but reliably self seeds
Grow in full sun on well drained soil. Short lived but reliably self seeds

Oenothera Siskyou
Gorgeous low-growing, spreading perennial to around 35cm tall forming dense mats covered with lance-shaped, toothed leaves. Fragrant, saucer-shaped, dark-veined, pale pink flowers shading to white at the centre are borne from summer into autumn.
Grow in full sun on well drained soil
Grow in full sun on well drained soil

Oenothera Summer Sun
Clusters of saucer-shaped, bright yellow flowers open from contrasting red buds on red-tinged stems with deep-green leaves. An upright plant, that sometimes needs support on richer soils. Grow in full sun on well drained soil

Ophiopogon planiscapus Nigrescens
Evergreen perennial to 20cm, forming dense tufts of arching, narrowly strap-shaped, leathery black leaves 20-30cm in length. Racemes of small purplish flowers, followed by glossy black berries.
Grow in sun or part shade on any reasonable soil
Grow in sun or part shade on any reasonable soil

Origanum laevigatum Hopleys
Low clumps of small dark green aromatic leaves send up wiry stems to 45cm high topped by purple pink flowers and opening from contrasting darker purple buds from July _ September followed by nice structural seed heads. Likes sun on well drained soil and tolerates drought. Bee magnet
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